Some days, Caterpillars will feel ugly They will see their cousins And view the wings Painted like a spectrum
Just like the story Of the ugly duckling Who felt he wasn't good enough Who felt he didn't belong But turned out to be This magnificent thing Who stunned not only others But himself
Adults will never admit To having been told To just "**** yourself" They will never admit To having said that To someone else
When you were a child, You were told you were a mistake But sweetheart, How can something that Breathes life and creates beauty Be a ******* mistake?
How can something that Has its own opinions Its own morals and loves How can that be a mistake?
Look your mother in the eye And tell her the words She never heard growing up "I love you It's okay You did okay You are okay"
If you **** yourself, Then how will you know The way you will look On your wedding day?
You will never be able To see yourself in your gown Or in your suit Happy and thriving and loved
How will you be able to See yourself grow old and grey With your true love next to you Or, even alone, But surrounded by true friends
You tell yourself That you are different For being that one friend Who hasn't gotten married Or had kids Or any of that stuff adults do
Some people are just Not made to love And that is okay! You will still be loved, Regardless
If you die tonight, Then how will you see the morning? Put down the ticking time bomb Of your ultimate demise And read this over And over and over and over and over Until sunrise peaks Behind the silver clouds And be proud That you lasted another night That you did not fall Into their traps
Step outside Let the wind Chill you to your bones Feel something Other then numbness Scream if you have to No one is awake Just breathe And live