This world is a nightmare. It is something dark and sinister and destructive and wrong.
It is made up of people who do not laugh at their faults, people who do not think for themselves when others are willing to do it for them. People with no capacity for wonder, no drive to learn or to grow.
Every time someone stands for something or tries to help they are cut down by simple minded people that are afraid of a world where they might yet be proven wrong. Every time a leader rises to right a wrong he becomes some small piece of the problem he set out to fix.
We do it. We are poison. We are poison. A product of a tough planet. A **** or be killed kind of people. But we could be so much more.
If only we tried. We can still change. We have only to find a reason to.
We inherited a nightmare, from a generation of people who meant well. We were given a promise of a bright future and delivered something foul and expired. We don't have to settle for making it bearable. We can change it. Fashion it into something we can be proud of.
We are so small, so insignificant. Yet we are so great, so mighty. We can accomplish so much. If only we tried.