Luminol when sprayed on a cleaned wall that was once stained with the blood of a human being will light up every splatter, and reveal the crime scene in all it's chaotic splendor, even after years of careful hiding
Things happen every day in my creamy, dreamy life moods, like the calm bay that hides the sharks underneath the blood splatter of the natural cycle is covered in blue indistinct waves while carnage and drama play themselves out in the silent muted depths
And as the bay gets darker the further you go down especially in the deep canyon where a fervent Japanese submarine snuck into California waters, and chased a boat around briefly before dissapearing forever, just as these depths contain mystery and waste so my thoughts, once so churned and pained, lie dormant and unseen with the plastic forks that are stuck in the sand and the plastic bags that move by in the darkness like ghosts Because beneath the surface, in that deepest groove is where all the pain and waste and wreck of civilization has accumulated and is creating a new order in a once pristine reusable recyclable landscape But I cannot see my depths, only try to feel them in a primitive way, like sonar--what is this? A small submersible floats through the deep cold water down there through the snow flakes of biological residue that is food for life and it looks at the garbage and sends back a video signal that this is a warning, of our ceaseless, accumulating destruction unseen