And here I thought I’d Buried you More than six feet under My skin Where you could never Play tricks On my eyes Again
But the reality is You are standing
In front of me, Taunting me With your smirk
All I have in my defense are these words Words that slip from my hands, Through my fingers like water Pouring out of my mouth From my pen Onto this page
And here I thought I’d fixed that leak Months ago After I’d washed your smile from my Mind’s eye And cleansed myself of Naïve passion I stood in silence– Alone
But the reality is You are staring
Right at me, Taunting me With your eyes
And I am afraid of what might have been If we might have been… But that dream of mine Should have died With my ink When it dried
And here I thought it was a dream Long forgotten Shattered into two Separate lives You running in the Opposite direction And me, turning Away
But the reality is You are standing
In front of me, Taunting me With your sweet And inviting Laugh