Looking back years later, I probably should never have been on that flight. Here’s the reasons why……
Shortly after takeoff, and three cocktails later, I spied a gremlin hanging out on Engine Two. Every time I looked, smallish with green skin and red lips, it smiled with an impish grin, then went about its business dismantling the cowling. It seemed like I was the only one who noticed the little creature.
Other people were looking out of the same side of the plane and nobody was saying or doing anything. Had they slipped me something? Was the gin spiked? Was I hallucinating? Was God sending me a message?
Needless to say we landed safely in Bogota a few hours later. It was a beautiful vacation! But on my return flight, things turned sour. I was busted for possession of narcotics, spent six years in a Colombian prison, it wasn’t Heaven.
Like I said, I probably should have never been on that plane. Now looking back years later, I think the gremlin was trying to warn me, I wished I had taken heed, given up the thought of trafficking.