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Dec 2013
breathing is both a blessing and a curse.
friends aren't best friends until they prove it.
tears don't always come when you expect them to,
they usually come when the only thing you're
praying for are dry eyes for two more minutes.
broken things can be fixed. broken people can
only be restored if they want to be.
that empty feeling doesn't go away easily.
if they don't care for you, it's best to let go before
you get hurt or hurt yourself.
anger evolves into bitterness.
people believe a smile sooner than they
believe a creased forehead.
nobody will put you first, so it is imperative
that you do so yourself.
sunsets take away every single bad thought.
attachment is a recipe for destruction.
time doesn't exist in hospitals.
even psychologists will look at you funny.
some people just won't get you, and that's okay because
others will understand you better than you do yourself.
venting is an art form.
books are always an escape.
nightmares are hard to shake off and the only
thing that helps is time.
sometimes conversation will seem pointless,
and that's because it is.
everyone has their own story, and sometimes
it's best to just leave it at that.
as of 12/8/13
Written by
Annie  California
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