Little tree, You grow tired of creating mouse-sized shadows, Lose hope when your leaves cannot cover a whole human palm, Wither when your fruits are too small, bitter, and too unripe to stomach
As the other taller versions of you tower above, they steal your food and tuck you away underneath
It's hard to get noticed in a sea of fish so vast only the insects can fathom its size It's hard to survive in a crowd of Darwin enthusiasts
Ah, so young, and so deprived of faith in success. I have faith for you, tree. Brother, we are the same. We all just want to make it. We want to be one of the great Redwoods pictured in magazines, They take all the credit from us
Don't worry, friend. Together, we will break through the underbrush, Show them what we can do, Prove our greatness once and for all, And stand tall with our comrades of the vast forests everyone knows by name.