the white noise is calming due to the interruption of sober silence depriving senses, seeming like aphasia, looking through peripheral to see all but what was was straight in the clear, sight insufficiently corrupted painful holdings and a hand punched into the car door beside me screaming about the difficulties, a voice that cracked like stained glass suddenly given a voice, to only express furthermore misapprehension a voice that spoke words that could be seen forming in the air above the words that wrapped around my body and clung like static pulled me like a rope twisted leash, forming circulating rusted lesions across a protruding collarbone stare down deep into the roots of a tender willow tree look down, and avoid the expression on that face and the truck that was unnecessarily punished now pretend you have aphasia, pretend that lesions don't **** slowly and pray your face doesn't end up like that car door