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Aug 2010
I wait for you by candlelight
in the rocker by the door
knowing it is far too late
but waiting evermore

the roads they are not safe night
with bandits all around
and I know my brave brave husband
would fight and stand his ground

the clock ticks on in silence
as minutes turn to hours
how can I shed this fear
as my courage it devours

ears strained I listen
to every crack and howl
recognizing in an instant
the sound of play thats fowl

the sound of running horses
the clash of sharpened sabers
shouts and cries of agony
toward death its author labours

but with the silence of the night
noises carried on the breeze
could be the battle close at hand
or off a thousand leagues

I clutch my breast and hold my breath
as a shadow comes to sight
of an injured wounded man
still bloodied from the fight

I rush to catch him as he falls
praise be that he is you
you're exhausted, wounded, bleeding
but with gods help you'll make it through

and finally we make it home
but I'm afraid I must lament
"you bought semi skimmed you idiot,
I wanted 2 percent!"

Men! They can never get anything right!
Written by
Annie Brown
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