I took a long glance At the stars above The sky as You drive away. It was a quarter to six In the morning and Our night is Nearing its end. This time, we Drove with a Blanket of silence Thrown upon us— It wasn’t eerie nor Awkward, it was The kind of silence that suits Driving away at 5:49 a.m. to Goodness-knows-where, Comfortable and easy And cool as the cold wind of The almost-morning dew that Seeps through the Half-rolled down window. I feel like I Could get used to these Kinds of moments with you, Not getting bothered Of the silence That ensues between us. We could be together With ease Through laughter And silence, especially Because it has always been silence That is harder to Bear. And... It has always been this way, Hasn’t it? It had always Been this easy And comforting To be With you.