You wrinkle your nose, No I laughed. ‘Why?’ ‘It’s silly.’ ‘Sillier than driving In the middle of the night To my house and Pulling me away To eat pizza and Drink milkshakes and Write poetry in our arms And sing and scream And driving into a Miraculously open Carnival?’ You rolled your eyes ‘I’d rather do a Holden Caulfield on you,’ Would that mean that To you I’m just...Phoebe? I shot you a sceptical look And told you that One ride at a carousel Won’t taint your Masculinity. I sure as hell hoped That I convinced you because I don’t want you to be Holden If I’m just Phoebe, I’d rather be Jane Gallagher even If there wasn’t a scene in the book Written for us. I know that if I could be Jane, We could write Our own **** story And our story would Be better. So please, please, please Say yes To going to the carrousel With me And we could start writing Our story as Jane And Holden.
The characters mentioned are from The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger