No challenge,
you can't manage,
No sphere,
you can't influence,
No season,
you won't want,
but one that leaves fall, on you and your discontent,
you want, but won't
enjoy flakes, whether they fall on you from the sky or accost you in the street,
you won't, but the want
of not getting malled(not mauled),
while you shop till you drop, and to be revived by mulled wine,(or is it whine)
the days are shorter,
sunlight is on back order,
nights as dark as Mordor itself,
days as short as a short story,
and takes as long as that to read,
but observe, observe
you won't miss a thing,
take it out to the world,
where the details is king,
devilish eh?,
write it down what you see,
then describe it so when we read,
you will not have been alone,
we were with you all along,
you won't,
I know,
like this
you won't.
But I might!