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Aug 2010
Where did it go, that wonderful feeling?
The anticipation, the ache, the need?
Desire, Passion.
Mourning its loss, you and I.

I know it is there, buried under the dishes,
The laundry, the cleaning, the shopping,
The pain, the arguments over nothing.
The us that once was.

I see the longing in your eyes;
I feel the want in my own heart;
We stand on opposite sides of this chasm
But no bridge is there.
What do we do, Love?
What do we do?

You think I don’t feel the same as you do,
But you were never more wrong.
I miss that oneness, the desire, the passion.
I just don’t know how to rebuild the flame.
The ember still glows here within my heart,
It just needs a fan to flame into being.

How do we bridge this chasm between us?
How do we fan the flame in my heart?
I need to want you, to desire you once more, Love.
I hate this feeling of growing apart.
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
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