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Dec 2013
Waking up to an empty house
And ah don't worry, i'm already used to it!
It's already noon and I can barely open my eyes because it is swelling hard
I gently brush my eyes
To partially forget what I did lastnight (cuts)
Of course there's scars! They are all over my upper hands
I quickly jump out of the bed and straight to the bathroom
Next, tip toe in the kitchen to get my coffee fix and realized there are ginger snaps on the table
Oh mon favori!
Could not be happier than this
Last time I check, I complained about how used i am to being home alone and how I hate it
But today I am feeling the tranquility within

Counting days to get back to the apartment
I used to hate living there but lately, I realized how happy I am there rather than here
Maybe because my friends know me better than my bloods
Sounds ridiculous and quite biased but I have been receiving uneven love all this while
Maybe they do not know, but I think it is so obvious
How my parents know about others' favourites but me
Keep on telling what I want to eat today but she keeps on replying "but others do not like it"
Maybe you should ask them instead. Right?
Yes, I am the evil twins, I am always the bad one
I am constantly the imperfect ones in your eyes and others are all the way around
Is it possible that maybe I am the demon myself
That you keep on pointing out my flaws and you could see the evil in me
Oh, who are you to judge ay?
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