Am I a Christian? Because I am a man of God, who makes sure spreading the Gospel is my mission. I go to church on Sundays just to stare and listen, as the preacher in front talks about a book some guy has written, Am I a Christian? Because as soon as I step out of those doors, my life takes a complete U-turn. From the life of a Godly individual, to one who's god is no other than the person he sees in the mirror. I set my Facebook status to Christian, and make sure I post a Bible Verse everyday, and add a side note to trust in God and pray. But when I'm having fun in a party, or if I receive a blessing, God's not on my thank you list, I don't even thank Him for the things He so graciously gave me. Am I a Christian? because if I smile, it doesn't mean I'm not beat up inside. Just because I pray, doesn't mean that I listened to God during that day. Just because my Facebook says I'm Christian it doesn't mean that I'm actually listening. Just because I tweet Bible verses, it doesn't mean that my life reflects Jesus. Because I can tell everyone that I know God, but it doesn't mean that I am actually his son. So am I actually a Christian? Because when that day comes, when we finally meet God, will He tell me, "Come to me my son." or will He say, "Who are you? Be gone!" Am I a Christian?