she was a masterpiece behind the glass draped in gold he was tired and homely, his rage was growing old. the line between them was bold but it's fine because they ignored the disparity of dissimilarities through this discrepancy, they painted their canvas with lust and expectations they could never keep it going, a senseless apparatus neither could sense the strength of the connection binding them hiding them individually, the two became as one two to one, counting down the moments to their untimely demise; when the two are no longer as one, but none. none could've predicted the end, not once but twice when they failed they tried and tried again he told her she was heaven sent, and he was shrouded in sin, what they didn't know is that they were one and the same. cut from the same cloth but rarely clothed when they were together. Stayed high together one could say they were birds of a feather they were lost but now they're found; she was once was okay but now she's drowned. deep under her love for him, she tried to float and coast through but it was no use his love and adoration was all she had to lose it was enough to clear her mind of the emotional abuse but it was not enough to clear her heart of the love. As she lay in his bed praying for him to come closer, he stayed as far away as he could. and although he knew he could love her he wasn't sure if he should; she was jaded and the time they shared had faded. but in her heart she made it, she could fade it! She was lost it in all her minds of minds. Trouble is growing from underneath the seams how they've stayed intact is a mystery, leave all the bad in the past it's history the present envelops her with his presence and it consumes, it engulfs her whole. She finds she cannot live without him. he grows cold, distant she realizes he's already gone and she disintegrated into his front lawn, with all the dead leaves and fallen trees He says, "i'm already gone."