my life has been a big joke never taken seriously nor seriously taken mostly just laughable, memorable scenes you would place in an indie movie
imagine the most contrived and self absorbed cinematic extravaganza that always ends in happily ever after now in place the high school version of me and play it on repeat welcome to my life as simple plan would say
on my average every day you could count the amount of times i think of nothing but myself only if each was a dot that freckled my skin only if each was a non perishable in a food donation bin but in the latter case you wouldn't have enough and when I realized that the daunting reality of human depravity is when God became so much more real when he slapped me across the face and blood dripped from my nose not from the brunt of the blow but from the hand of the innocent not just the one who was sent but the ones who cannot be sent cannot be moved and cannot escape trapped in someone elses sick idea of prosperity someone's sick idea of "making it" the only thing we're "making it" is someone else's hell and when God slapped me across the face he said to me "LOOK AT MY CHILDREN, MY CHILD! LOOK AT MY CHILDREN BEING STACKED AND PILED LOOK AT MY CHILDREN BEING REJECTED NEGLECTED BEAT HIT ABANDONED MY CHILD I hear their cries i hear them breaking their hearts being crushed under the pressure i see their homes being taken away i know the depths of darkness they experience each and every. day. my children they are suffering my children they are lost broken sprawled out on the floor being made into each others tool of satisfaction and that's only a fraction
my children run to them not away from yourself towards me"
that's when I started taking God seriously the day I realized that this world is too ******* up to be able to even cope
now my life isn't a joke because my life may be someone else's hope.