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Nov 2013
And my dreams always turn into nightmares where I wake up just in time.
Now, you can call that unoriginal, but you know I got those from you.
You can claw out from my throat all those words that you know I could never say.
You want “I’m sorry”s and “please don’t leave”s.
You wanted what my dreams always could’ve been.
And I wanted what you’ve seemed to find in everyone else.
You see their talents and the irritating quirks you turn into personalities.
You find their whispers of helplessness or longing grasping at your ears at night.
I then realized how eager you were to be there for everyone but me.
So all of my broken sobs into pillows, all my muffled and drunken cries, those screams you never got to experience, those are for you, my love.
Rebecca Paul
Written by
Rebecca Paul  Pennsylvania
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