Can you hear me? I whisper the brush of wind on a microphone touch goose bump tickles on the edge of your ear ripples of alternating heat and chill raised up static like the pensive in a gathering storm dew wet grass like the sweetest taste of water from your lips senses blur together I'm alone in a field night vision turns all things to living silver the grass in the moonlight just like water in the wind that stars ring like bells they are being wrapped in the coming fog bank ethereal gossamer swirls white silk sheets and black velvet Naked I don't feel the cold I feel alive I want to run and fight and feel trip the circuit in my brain and your teeth in my neck awake the vivid memory red skin on skin kiss you so hard you don't end, I don't begin twisting with passion and then this cool rain misting from the fog this opposite just as wonderfully vivid just as vital I want to make you feel I want you to see the sunset set fire to the horizon and I want you to feel on fire for the sky I want you to feel my touch and feel like passion leaves you no choice but to pull me closer Can't you hear me.. you are so faint Hiding in your flat world Its nothing Its drinking yourself into a ******* stupor its pretending you aren't alive aren't an animal you are afraid to feel and fear and be free where are the mountain tops where are the volcanoes where have you hidden your abyss? We are no more than wolves in the wilderness pretending to be dogs There's nothing to fear in death in the unknown in anything Why can't you see with eyes unclouded?