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Nov 2013
your mean words slur as they're
trickling out of your mouth
like a waterfall of wounding
locution from your sober thoughts
but your drunken actions
make me uneasy as you stand there
swiftly swaying like a
feather caught in the wind

at this very moment in time I think I hate you
your heart is no longer real
the blood flow that is long gone
is now diluted with cheap *****
the nasty habits you have gained
are slowly dissipating the oxygen
that now gently dribbles through your
inanimate lungs and pains your ****** liver

your sunken eyes are glossy
eyes that used to be bright blue
have lost there hue and converted to a dull gray

you may have sober thoughts
but you'll always have drunken actions
Emily Mary
Written by
Emily Mary
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