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Nov 2013
Like my eyes, the clouds open up
The sea begins to part
My stomach drops
And my heart starts.
My lungs try to breathe in
But there is no air
How perfect you are
It almost isn’t fair.
To everyone in the world
Who isn’t like me
Who will only get a taste
Of what I get to see.

Looking at you
Is like gazing at the stars
My heart races faster
Than the fastest cars.
Your eyes
Are something I get lost in
To explain the power they hold
I can’t even begin.
I want to squeeze you so tight
You can’t get away
So forever in my arms
You’ll just have to stay.

The softness of your skin alone
Is enough to make me melt
And your touch
Is like nothing I’ve ever felt.
Just one look at you
I’m in a better mood
From being cranky and down
To an instant better attitude.
When you are around
Nothing else seems to matter
I’ve climbed as high as I can go
With you as my latter.

You are the sunshine to my life
The princess of my castle
I don’t know why
You put up with me and all my hassle.
You are
The air that I breathe
The warmth that I need
The better part of me.
You are
My world my sun my sky
You are
My personal lullaby.
Chubbie Bunny
Written by
Chubbie Bunny
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