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Nov 2013
The world slows down briefly as if I was on a cloud with you and you only
And God as our witness, its blissful almost nostalgic in a Tom Sawyer kinda way
Our eyes speak 1000 words for every blink and 1 Million for every gaze
I only wish true words could surface and graze the true meaning of Dedication
If only I could feel whole when you say the hurtful things, you don’t know nor do you realize
But tearing my heart away like a sea on a rainy day not realizing
I’m drowning more, losing more. Almost a half of myself but only a part
It’s like feeling will never be as intimately communicated the way a sound can expose it
How raw it can be
I heard her explain this way she thought and I felt this, way I never like the way she can influence my heart but she moves like it was as easy as moving mountains
Written by
Jonathan  Bogota, Colombia
(Bogota, Colombia)   
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