Blanket troupe called finally finalizing finances beseeched of asian seas and deformities begone of witch's seeds creeds, and further formalities.
Controlled and sold away, disney ears and candied shmears of salmon serendipity and forlorn serenity
collapse, perhaps?
can't strap the wrap of boot soles and cannoned poles of butts and handles throwing sandaled barbarians in their foolish faith For Empire! the dire need of those to take and feed and be the god-men to tickle and bleed friends and foe alike, to nettle the fangs of the good hounds blindly following; scent dividing love and steeds to carry armies and lone conquerers to their final destinations, permutations of how so many flowers whittle at the broken touch of thunderous life; of hidden strifes that attack these patient sentinels their yelps yet signals of defeat so unburly pardoned