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Nov 2013
I wish your heart would melt like mine,
Cause it's hard with just a puddle for a beat,
But maybe with two, our veins could meet,
And be less lonely,
All my hopes gather and dance to your smile,
At a constant rhythm saluting me,
Greeting your future in a way discrete,
Memories are homely,
I find home in my predicted past,
Do I dare keep my conscious sleep?
Aspirations with bottom sincerity,
Memories meant more,
Will you be the hand I keep to my cheek?
Will you keep connection to warm my path?
The moon melts the snow, it's time to creep,
Tiptoe with time but stay from its grasp,
Don't tell me it's not written in the cosmos,
Sometimes it's better to keep the lights off
Written by
Juan deloera  A place far away
(A place far away)   
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