roundabout, unsteady weight of my feet upon the sidewalk, sinking deep into the cracks of drug dealers and ambling adolescents and old mothers and young fathers, and whatever else this city has to offer, its population unknown to me, bewildering since where i come from, everybody has a name and i know it so this is weird the imbalance between known and unknown, the strange feeling of a shift in the atmosphere that follows me the loss of control that i feel when i step down from the bus and make my way through the crowd, feeling drunk and off-kilter, feeling like a drifting newspaper, out of date trying to find some sense of community but instead i find only small relationships each separate from the other each with a different dynamic, a different colour a different reason for staying together a different reason for falling apart (and that happens so much faster here) and yet somehow i find that i like it this way having so many little lives, towns to choose from that there is always somebody, somewhere willing to brighten my day and so i think i’ll be okay, i’ll transition into a city girl, all hardened and shiny and maybe even stylish with only the roots of my home peeking out from beneath my feet, saying don’t forget and i won’t i promise city slicker pinky swear
it's been about three months, getting used to that beautifully desolate feeling