the dark ice cream man floats up and down the empty streets his truck weakly cranking out a warped sounding song that leaves a trail of dogs objecting the truck has the word pestilence painted on it instead of ice cream his dark form hunched over the steering wheel his cheshire grin has aspects of his delirium imprinted on its clean toothy shine he only comes out at three am and glides the cool pavement in search of Delilah's phone number she promised him that she would be his one true and he meant to hold her to it he would do anything to have her all to himself
Delilah walks barefoot along the train track with one ear nailed acutely to the train whistle approaching the other ear in her pocket where she hums a **** version of the battle hymn of the republic all good girls love horses and shotgun weddings she wants her shotgun wedding on the saddle with the ice cream mans brother who she thinks is just too nifty to be anything but heavenly she always pictured him with angel wings carrying a sword and riding a pale horse named death
there are echoes in the concrete parkland the neatly trimmed grass glistens wetly in the darkness a dew touched tree stands on a narrow hill its leaves thrashed slowly by a whisper of wind the sound of running feet laughter its an illusion she is an illusion i make matchstick men watch them march in precision lines i am a matchstick man watch me scribble in precision lines
the ice cream man now sleeping away the humid hot afternoon stashed away in the back of his pestilence truck while Delilah learns how to knit and make candles that ice cream mans brother sells at flea markets we all settle for what we think we want and in the end we all get what we deserve Delilah marries the brother and they live happily while ice cream man spends his mid-life crisis as a politician who leads a double life making ice cream sandwichs out of his basement and i am discovered 'neith the truck making matchstick men out of twigs from the tree of life