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Aug 2010
HEY, You there, hiding in your squalid digs,
behind the towers of pizza boxes and empty beer cans.
Your only ******* with the world through that screen,
What gives you the right to be a downright ***** pig?

I’m not talkin’ bout how you live, that’s your choice,
but I do have a voice when it comes to what you say,
day after day, spewing hatred on us folks who try to bring
beauty to this world.  In words.
You rant and you rave in hate filled blather
how we don’t know what the **** we are doing.

Easy to say when you hide away behind the screen of anonymity.
Come out and face the world, ******.  Come to my house and talk.
NO?  Then you would have to face ME!!  Writer of words, holder of truths,
You, too afraid to be seen.
I hate people like you, cowards all.  ******* cowards!!  Go back to your
empty, pitiful lives and spew your bile some more.
I know where my delete key is.
8/2010   Not to anyone in particular.  Just tired of people who hide behind this screen and use it to be ugly for no good reason.
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
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