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Nov 2013
They say *** and pizza are very much alike
In so far as when it's good, it's really good. When it's's still pretty good.
Poetry and tequila are also similar.
When it's good, you'll be dizzy and kissing strangers.
When it's bad, you'll be worshiping at the porcelain altar, so to speak.
There is a sensation when you're standing on the edge of a cliff, looking over
And you realize that there is nothing to keep you from hurtling down into the ravine
But your own willpower
Which, if you're like me,
Quickly begins eroding.
I wonder if everyone feels that way
I wonder if there are some people who can look over a high ledge
And not immediately begin panicking that they will toss themselves over
In a fit.
Perhaps this is why baby birds fall out of nests.
Allen Davis
Written by
Allen Davis  Oklahoma City, OK
(Oklahoma City, OK)   
   Emily Tyler
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