a good way to cry is to read your old yearbooks alone at night to see that in fifth grade your whole class signed their names sixth grade was a competition to see who had the most inside jokes in seventh grade your friends wrote you long notes and your crush took up a whole page "you make coming to school every day actually enjoyable" and he signed it with love in eighth grade most of the pages are blank you got a hot boy to sign (twice) but your crush didn't have time until the promotion ceremony he wrote that you forgot about him he signed it with a dash and he added his last name the only person who took up space in your eighth grade yearbook was your spanish teacher who you promised to visit but never did a boy you have known forever was moving away you will never see him again but he had nothing to say about you your oldest best friend told you she was saving her usual "novel" for senior year but you don't plan on being friends by then a good way to cry is to flip through the pages and count the people who you used to call your friends