Explode off the page in a whirl-wind of understanding Let Coherence show its head Through measured guidelines and enforced comprehension Find deeper meaning in the mundane
Leave your books in the dust and race toward yourself. Explore the crevasses in your complicated, beautiful head. Feel your mind mold itself into a shape all its own Until its own is all it could ever be
Pour over books and words and pages until letters s- p i l l over the confines of what society says is enough break rules, do it on Purpose. You’re acutely aware of how each syllable Crashes— a symbol of your refusal to be “ just enough” Know the outside of your words half as well as the inside, Make it so the half as many people who pay attention have Something worth attending to.
Open the doors w i d e and let pride saunter in You created something Your head your thoughts your intuition It’s never been done before But there’s a catch:
You have become Different And Different is Dangerous Different means change, and loss of control A thing of worst nightmares for those who clamber To ensnare and suppress the individual Individual