Those happy Morris dancers make for a happy sight They wear bright scarlet ribbons and their shirts and trousers white, They clash their sticks whilst dancing and you hear the timbers ring Though 'twould seem that Morris dancing is not a female thing.
I've never seen a female Morris dancer I stand corrected if I'm wrong It has it's roots in England and to England it belong And I hope that Morris dancing will not go the way of rhyme That in a changing World it won't lose out to time.
They brought their culture with them from England far away A culture perhaps fading like many of the old cultures are today With the old dances of Europe I see a link somewhere And sad to hear that Morris dancers are now becoming rare.
At the Dandenong Ranges festival east of Melbourne they perform every year And after in the ***** tent they laugh as they drink their beer, They brought a thing of beauty when they brought their dancing here And to those marvellous Morris dancers let us raise our glass of cheer.
Morris dancing vary from English Village to Village or so I have been told Though the times they are a changing and fading are the ways of old But those marvellous Morris dancers may they dance forever more In the sunshine of Australia far from England's rainy shore.