Love is not a thing you can do half way;
Love is not meant for quick hugs to say goodbye,
Momentary kisses that leave you wondering if they even happened.
Love is not meant for people who will hold your hand
Loosely enough that it could slip away.
Love is not meant for routines and order,
For ease and expected encounters.
Love is not meant for ******* one night
And not speaking the next.
It is not meant for anyone who decides that
A kiss doesn't mean anything,
That a lingering look has no power,
That skin on skin is just a physical encounter.
Love is holding someone's hand tightly,
As if it were a balloon on a string that's
Tied to your heart, and God forbid
You let that one slip away.
Love is for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th goodbye kiss
In the street as you leave your lover's house.
It's for the 5th kiss that leaves you as breathless as the first,
For the last kiss that was the longest and hardest.
Love is for spontaneity,
For random reminders that you care.
Love is for someone who will love you in between sheets,
Then kiss you the next day despite your morning breath.
Love is the shout into the void,
Into the canyons of people
Where the only response you may have
Is the echo of your own love.
That's love, shouting about it
Even though you may be the only one to hear it.
Love is for people willing to shout it from rooftops,
For people willing to dive in head first.
Love isn't meant to be half assed.
It just isn't.
Love requires all of your courage and strength,
Your patience and understanding.
Love requires that you shed your shell of comfort,
And give it your all.
That's how I love,
All in and wholly invested, completely committed.
And I don't have time any love that isn't aching,
Consuming and invasive of my every thought.
I don't have room in my heart for anything less than extraordinary,
Because my heart is full to the brim of love for someone out there,
And I don't want it just to spill over so that
I can listen to it drip onto a cement floor.
It should pool into your hands instead,
And you can pour it into your own heart.
Love is for the brave and willing-
I'm brave and willing enough to show you,
Are you?
I stand by the notion that you love people with all you have, every day because you never know where people will end up. That's just me, I believe in a full on love or nothing at all. I believe in telling people consistently what they mean to you, to kissing someone you love like it's the last time every time, to holding tightly to those that you adore. I'm merely waiting for someone like that also.