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Nov 2013
t h e  s a m e

why would I want everything to be

t h e  s a m e ?

a life without change
what made you think i'd find comfort in

t h e  s a m e ?

the infection of no evolution of the mind, body, and soul
people drown in the depths of

t h e  s a m e

it is a disease you are taught to live with from birth
people believe when something goes wrong
things get chaotic
out of control
they just want everything to be

t h e  s a m e

you don't learn anything from it
you don't grow
your lungs do not even expand
you are dead
i mean, you might as well be

t h e  s a m e

it ties a knot around your thoughts
it puts your heart on a treadmill to keep your blood pumping at
one steady pace
you feel numb when you awaken
6 a.m. begin your day

t h e  s a m e

routine, over and over again
you forget to feel
i mean, really f e e l
you lose faith
any bit of change makes you shake
kick starts you to run from anything that bares the thought of something
or someone

t h e  s a m e

too comfortable with always
staying, hopes on the back burner
as both your dreams pass you by
and forever

t h e  s a m e
a flower
Written by
a flower  US
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