As a kid, at about 6 or so, my father and I would go down to the lake and skip rocks. At first mine would only go a few skips, but my fathers would go nearly 30. Then I practiced and practiced. By the time I was 7, I could make it to 15 skips. By 8 I was at 25 skips. By 9 mine could go farther than my fathers. It was that day when my rock went 30 skips that I gazed wide eyed at the world. I sat on the bank and stared at the lake. I looked up at my father and asked a very dramatic question for a 9 year old. "What is the meaning to life? Why do we live?" Puzzled my dad asked "What do you mean?" I responded with " I just spent 3 years trying to beat you, at skipping a rock across water of all things. So why?" Still to this day 7 years later I don't have an answer to that question.