Well, it’s that time of year again. Your dreams become longer and the air seems to slice through your lungs like razor blades. Sounds like a painful sensation when you think about it but when you actually feel it, your ravenous heart craves more. You witness your newly visible breath begin to form paintings in the air around you that you swear a canvas could never be worth enough to display. You walk across the grass and hear faint crunching sounds as the soles of your shoes are flattening the small crystals blanketing the backyard. Those leaves over there? They were green yesterday Now all you see are shades of red, orange, and gold conquering the green until it has all disappeared. It’s all so breathtaking. ...Literally… A few days pass and you see the first leaf fall. The color has faded, its the color of death. You see another begin to freefall. Another. And another. What is happening to the beauty that was present only hours ago? It’s dying. These leaves aren’t breathing anymore! How’s that for breathtaking? Isn’t it ironic how as everything is slowly becoming beautiful it’s slowly dying as well?