The fire inside my eyes Creates an inner feeling of suicide I'm a sinking ship With no cargo A mind of dynamite A heart with an emotional embargo Sometimes it feels as if I'm expected to do to much So much pressure on me I can feel my bones crush People forget to see from your perspective I was not elected Simply placed in this seat So why is it so easy to point fingers And say he's ******* up He's making mistakes It's his fault You forget you are not the only one with battles With demons I'm fiendish Don't forget I'm not a bad person no matter what you say But what you say still kills me in the end of the day Why are my mistakes worse? Because of perspective I was not elected Simply placed in this seat Why can't I just admit defeat? It would be so easy to quite Because in the end that gets me nowhere But back to being a failure And once again who says I'm a failure Is it you, or me? Well unfortunately Your opinion matters When it shouldn't But it does I've failed time and time again I have that mentally of a failure But the failure must lead Why is that I didn't ask for this For this responsibility I'm a failure remember I didn't ask for this I wasn't elected I was simply placed in this seat To fall Lose Fail And feel defeat