Stop. Stop apologising for him not loving you. Stop apologising for having small hands and a loud mouth and a big heart. Stop searching for reasons why you're not good enough: you are more than enough. Stop expecting apologetic phonecalls or his car parked outside the front of your house. He isn't coming back. You don't want him back. Girls, you're so quick to see being a woman as being weak, used, desperate. You confuse fragility with weakness; yes, you are delicate but you are strong strong and beautiful and I promise it will come to you; I promise that love will come to you. There will be someone who is more in love with the fact you woke up next to him than the fact you fell asleep next to him. He will love you in ways that fill your lungs and he will love you because you are you. There will be someone that adores your small hands, someone who considers your loud mouth to be music, someone that wants to love your big heart. There will be someone that considers your body to be valuable art rather than a mere object. There will be someone that doesn't tell people you're *'just friends'. There will be someone who is proud to have you. There will be someone who will love you the way you want to be loved. There will be someone who will love you and cause you to finally love yourself.