I follow you like an obsession Seeing your life from the outside Noting the smiles that frequent your face The contentment of yourself in that space I no longer see that disturbed longing to be free of that place That backwater town that has no place for me in it No future Besides a deadpan existance leading its citizens astray or Contenting them with a simple life
You have those who love you Genuine friends and you seem to find a way to be busy Find enjoyment in that simple existance Not seeking out the exoteric meanings of life Re-emerging back into that mentality of everyday people Happy with just being in the moment in time Devoid of that driving passion to find meaning in this life To understand the worlds complexities and learn the beauty that is humanity
The vision I have escribed to myself to seek the truth in this world To see the nasty and feel a sense of calm in the face of our own self destruction Feeling as if my mission drives and beliefs are becomeing coersive to your health How do I connect with you anymore? You who used to abore the simplicity of your upbringing
I see it now As you talk to your brothers and sister I try to communitcate experience your world But I am an outsider to this realm
My words don't fit And all eyes make me feel castrated I don't speak as they do, I use words they don't understand A language and understanding that they do not employ Not saying that I am better than anyone of them Because I know I am not Humble to the fact That they don't find those things worth doing Worth any merit Secular in their reasoning
I see you fit this mold This world where I cannot speak Without offending or offering explination Leaving me mute, Feeling outcasted Dumb to the workings of their order.
But you are a camilion blending in Taking that world as your own Transforming before my eyes into someone I don't know Or would know if I had realised you were Developing without me
It is subtle this changing How the conversation gets more complex on my end Reaching out for anything that will relate you back to me My mind becoming a blockade A boundary to you Where I crave none
I feel you here in my being Shifting changing The face you show me smiling happy Loved and no longer in need of me Wondering when you will see this yourself When this distance will become leagues And you determine whether it is worth it to cross