Love, thy name suggests fall in love with thyself but know not why the heart aches to know a fellow being to fall in love with.
It all begins on a sweet summer morn A person I have known for long makes me think- It's time we're serious about the relationship.
Oh dear! Too early to decide but memories of the past make me say- Though a tug of war goes on I give myself to you.
Love begins, as sweet as it could be I cherish every moment of it. His very presence makes me feel Oh! Life is wonderful with him. Moments scroll into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into months. Oooh! We've been together for years. Then we start pondering do we really go well?... Yes comes the answer but with a hesitation. Then we say no and decide to part leaving behind the sweet memories of togetherness.
We turn into good old friends. Happy to say that but know not why my heart aches again Then - I found it was a pleasure but now - I find myself in sobs. Later I decide that's the way it ought to be.
I've heard love gives pain I'm experiencing one right now. But this pain is again a pleasure Yes! It has taught me a lot. When I was in love I was clinging to one person How crazy of me! Now I'm on my own more independent more matured I'm in a better position to describe love than any other elderly person. I still cherish the moments of being in love but in a varied manner.
Thank you Love, for having been with me I know my life better now. Now I can say, Love, I've fallen in love with thyself ! Yes! Love, I Love You !
This is a poem I had written on February 21, 1999. It was based on the then-recent turmoil my friend was going through after a heart-break! Just my interpretation of her feelings.