I have witnessed love once It's not over Christmas morning when mom and dad see me tearing up my presents or in the presence of peers, who when they kiss, it feels as though the Fates have finally thought of goodness in this world. But it is how my neighbor wakes up at five am and he thinks I do not know it but he comes over my fence and plucks the stems of a bloomed white rose everyday and walks away. One day, I followed him Alas I found him sitting next to a grave. He did not look like an old man To me at that very moment He looked like a young sailor apart from his love by the sea and had her in his arms again, After the longest time. He removed a weary rose on top of the granite and replaced it with a new, beautiful one. He spoke, "I brought you another rose today. White and fully bloomed, just the way you like it. I can't do no more since I still have to pay the bills and your maintenance. And I think, my neighbor has started to think where do all here her roses go." He gives me a rare smile, arching his back and tells me to come over.