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Aug 2010
Frustration, aggravation, confusion, and irritation.
I don’t understand why you make me feel this way.
Do you try to irritate, to aggravate?
Do you frustrate and confuse to amuse you?
Games that you play are getting in the way.
We could be so good, but the games that you play…
Make me want to get as far away as I can from you.
Always underfoot, always within hearing, I cannot understand
Why you think this is so endearing.
You need to stop and think about what you are killing.
It is a chance at a great romance, but you would rather play your games.
Go away, Little Man, until you can understand.
Perhaps then there will be room for you, but don’t expect me to wait.
I can find someone else who won’t frustrate, aggravate, confuse, or irritate.
Peggy Montgomery  8-2010
Dark Paradox
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Dark Paradox
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