I was so broken Back then And the really interesting thing was I thought I was hiding it So well But the truth of the matter Rested in the fact that My friends loved me too much To point out The cracks in my skin
They waited patiently For me to heal On my own They sat in silence for years Watching my insides Rot out But they never uttered a word
But, unknowingly I assumed they simply Did not care About my mental health Or my well being I assumed They didn't really know me All that well I figured They never asked about My broken soul Because they didn't Care enough To see it
So tell me Who put this noose Around my throat? Me? For my silence Fueled by shame
Or them? For pretending not to see How damaged I was?
Sure, They saved me the embarrassment Of pointing out my instability.
But I would have much rather Had them save my life instead.
Important note: This poem is written from the perspective of one of the many people who take their lives every day. Always remember that there are three sides to every story. Your side, their side, and the truth. If we truly felt free to confide in one another, if we could love our neighbors like our brothers.. Who knows.. How many lives would be saved? Something to think about.. Maybe we need to stop rushing around and tuning out the world. Maybe we need to take the headphones off. Maybe we need to connect to each other. Maybe, maybe.. But what do I know?