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Aug 2010
spinning twirling
fire dancing
laughing singing
brothers sisters
goblet drummers
hipsters trippers
moonlight shimmers

welcome one and all
i assume since your here
you've started to fall
see your vision is clear
your having a ball
join us up here
take up the call

the government is wrong
it tears itself apart
they won't last too long
they are people without heart
they'll never here our song

so **** em
we left em
forget em

we are together watching from a distance laughing and playing and enjoying what is around us without having all of the rules that we as a species have imposed upon ourselves through years of mental debauchery constantly trying to get ahead of the guy next to us constantly consuming simply for the sake of consuming we dont need but the plague of man kind can be reduced to one little word "want"


spinning twirling
fire dancing
laughing singing
brothers sisters
goblet drummers
hipsters trippers
moonlight shimmers
Zachary Devitt
Written by
Zachary Devitt
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