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Nov 2013
One night I was sleeping
Soundly in bed,
When I heard an odd noise
From over my head.

I opened my eyes,
And what did I see?
A boy in all green,
Just staring at me!

My mouth open wide,
I let out a scream,
And wondered if it
Could all be a dream.

Frightened, the boy
Flew quickly away.
Wait, flew? Yes, flew!
He flew upwards, I say!

When he saw that I
Wouldn't shout anymore,
He came out of hiding,
And stood back on the floor.

Scared but in awe
Of this magical boy,
I reached out my hand
And he took it with joy.

I asked for his name,
And he said, "Peter Pan!
Always a boy,
And never a man!"

I laughed at this statement,
And with hands on his hips,
He flew back up in the air
And did a few flips.

No longer scared,
I was happy as can be,
Peter flew to my side
Saying, "come fly with me!"

With a burst of excitement,
I grabbed at his hand,
And flew along with him
To his home, Neverland.

Although he was small,
This boy dressed in tights,
Could fly up and reach
The greatest of heights.
AJ Claus
Written by
AJ Claus
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