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Nov 2013
We were talking so sweet
Under the warm, cozy sheet;
We were alone, and we had to go
somewhere far away.

We laid there as he
held my hand carelessly,
Tick, tock,
"I have to go home."

And he kissed me,
and begged for me to stay,
and I did; never have I
wanted to stay
in my life.

I stared at him,
his sweet smell
allover the room;
never have I
adored someone
else’s eyes.

For so long, we laid,
He twirled my hair with
his fingers; kissed me hard,
and wrapped his arms
around my waist.
Tick, tock,
"I have to go home."

And I kissed him back,
eyes closed;
my whole body
quivering before his;
"Do you love me?"
"I do."
"You can’t."
"I know, I know."
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