Little boy lost, Among the valleys And the fens. Took shelter under cloak, The elements to defend.
"Mother!" "Father!" He yelled into the air. "Brother" "Friends" But there was nobody there.
The boy marched on into the torrent of the gale, As tears entwined with rain Drops. Whispering forgotten tales.
Kind of,
But the wind has a way of bringing the world to life. As little boy lost shivers in the pale moonlight, He comes upon a brook from the corner of his sight. Just enough to make him stop.
"Where just is this stream among the mire?"
No matter where he looked, whether, Left or Right. The stream remained unbidden, Forever out of sight...
Forever is never as long as it seems, When we are but young with youthful dreams. The little boy no longer as lost as we. Finds a guide in the sight of that once brook, Now Stream Meandering into that river to the sea, Flowing tidal Through waves of possibility.