This season is Memories of kids whipping past blowing dead leaves on bikewheels with hoodies hung upwards and Horror fiend masks.
A ringing of doorbells and delighted screams rushing forwards and "Trick or Treat" plunging like fallen bobbed apples into concuspiscent ears.
With the Moon bearing high its dominance of silver contrast and sandsmoke grimaces on a clandestine land, ***** for mischief.
All fairytales begin with a break-up of the family I'm convinced All Horror stories are a crying out for old friendships to re-emerge after the gist of mortality begins to sink in.
And from when I was a teen most of my friendships, for better or worse, have centred around attaching my darker thoughts to something concrete: like a list of favorite author's work or a poster of Robert Smith on my bedroom wall
claiming knowledge to a world established around my own
The stirring fire to keep on going, after waking up on frostbitten mornings is not a need to impress with the sense of my own self-determined trudging through rain and seeking lofty self-reward
...But in finding people to share the walk home with bounce Cure lyrics back and forth with and who'll simmer down to a horror film (without insisting on my recommendation) at Halloween.