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Oct 2013
Once we found a solace in our nakedness
And wore our bright bare skins
Like standards held above advancing armies

Gliding and caressing
Until the one of us who had been full was empty
The other brimming like a jeweled bowl

The colors of the spread
The slanted light
The sigh that rushed between us all at once
Then turned to laughter
Rising high above the crickets calling up the night

The way we rose like ghosts
And crept from room to shadowed room
Our bodies long parades of flesh
And how the air itself seemed wet

The tiny house grown smaller in the darkness
How we stood scant feet apart
The blade white stillness of our bodies
Gave the only light

How I spread myself before you like a sail
Reached as far toward heaven as I could
How you touched my chest and said 'Now me'

How you held your heavy ******* up in your hands
They way they gleamed and shimmered
Like globes unearthed from royal tombs
Lit from within by ancient alchemy

Or how your hand reached out

The way I slowly bent my head

There was a solace in our nakedness
Tell me you remember
Written by
James Andrews
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