Yeah! It's been a year. It's still not late to confess, The raindrops splatter like a refreshment for a new life, Roses attract my hands to take away them from those boring bouquets, The clear road is giving me a path of excitement and confidence, People passing by me are too busy and I swear to god that they will be missing my reaction of eagerness to approach you, Calming picture of the clouds nourishing my mood, Hair strands escaping through my fingers out, Feathery air grazing my skin, I'm not ready to take a huge yes either can't take a no, Poetically composing my words makes me more than that a chucklehead, The deepened feelings cramping my heart with love-passion, My eyes waiting for the light striking of your looks, My ears requesting for the only words that **** me with joy, My nose is pleasing to breathe the only air you take in, My lips commanding to knit with yours, My cheeks wanting the muscle suppression of the my smile, And finally waiting for my access to your life.