I need to apologize to my son Not just him But everyone of his generation I am sorry kid We ****** up We delivered you into the wrong hands
We did not prepare you for what was coming You are going to have to suffer the consequences of our failures and for that I am so sorry We left you to hate and incompetence and people who don't care for anyone other than themselves and what they consider their kind They donβt know that they're kind is part of all the other kinds that came before
I am sorry that I did not live by the one single edict I told myself when I had a child Just do a little better than your parents
I don't have to have spectacularly better plan than they did They made choices They made mistakes Now that I'm a parent I can see why
But I can also see a way out A better way Just do a little better than them Could you imagine how great our generation could be now? If each parent just did a little bit better
Did your father skip out on you? Don't Did your mother abandon you? Don't Did your parents beat you? Don't Were they not there for you? Did they neglect you? Did they not feed you? Not take care of you? Love You? Let you know that you were the most important person? Don't
I'm sorry what's coming ***** Our parents actively worked to make it this way We knew it was coming All we ever had to do was make this world better and we failed
We did not fight hard enough As parents our job is to protect you Take care of you Make it better
We did not We have made it worse
I just hope you can do what we could not Just do a little better